Monday, April 16, 2012

Linda Christensen - May - The Purple Pomegranate

The Purple Pomegranate, a fine craft specialty store, is featuring work by Kalispell artist, Linda Christensen during the month of May. Linda has worked as a full time professional artist since 1992.  Painting with a combination of surrealism, expressionism and realism and using symbols to communicate the nuances of what she sees, Linda is currently creating paintings based on her dreams and visions.

Linda speaks about her work, "I see paintings as I listen to the world.  Messages emerge through dreams and visions.  The waking dream and sleeping dream are equally powerful in this time of transition on the earth.  The shift from domination of the masculine mind to the feminine heart impacts my dreaming as it impacts the earth.   My dreams flow through my watercolor paintings in playful symbolism." Linda feels that watercolors express her visions and dreams in glowing, transparent layers or in vibrant opaque color.  She expresses emotion through the vast possibility of watercolor technique.  Flowing colors create a feeling of movement.  Free and mingling paint permits the imagination to flow.  Transparency portrays illusion.   Dark opacity indicates strength, power and surety. 

Meet Linda during Whitefish Gallery Night, Thursday, May 3rd, 2012 from 6-9 PM. Her work will be displayed during the opening and throughout the month of May. 

1 comment:

  1. such a sweet and enchanting piece. looking forward to art walks!


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